Wednesday, 18 May 2016

Top 10 secrets to double your money in short span

Feeling Excited!  Well, here, we will discuss about some genuine strategies just to increase or double your money in shorter time. Smart investors often hunt for innovative ideas to park their money for instant returns.  And, if you are among one of them, then, indeed, you are at right place now.  Not only experience but novice investors could also take a smart start in terms of investment here. Before making any investment decision, everyone needs to keep aware regarding both angles of investment options. In this article we will talk about various option based on risk appetite, time frame and returns percentage, it will be up to you, which one you choose according your comfort and needs.
Here are list of some options to double your money;
Stock Market- investing in stock market is the smartest way to get instant result. If you have will-power to bear risk than indeed, Stock Market offers lot more for you. Simply, more risk more profit suits stock market. Hence, investing in trending stock could make you richer over the time.
Tax-free Bonds- in past few years, Tax-free Bonds emerged as the anticipating investing option due to tax relaxation or tax benefits on it. Basically, bonds are issued by government ventures and pay a fixed interest rate. Bonds typically yield 8%+returns. Hence, investors can double money in 8 to 9 years frame.
Mutual Funds- it bring risk itself as well, however, rate of return keep higher in comparison to other investment options. Rate of return depend on term of Mutual fund selected by the investor. Mutual funds investment generally takes 5 to 6 years to double your money.
Public Provident Fund- backed by Government of India. A long term investment, Public Provident Fund offer attractive interest rate that is totally exempted from Income Tax. It was started to encourage saving for retirement corpus. Indeed, it’s a most reliable investment option among lacs of middle-class families.
Bank Fixed Deposit- RBI currently offering 8.25% to 9.25% interest rate which doubles the money in 8 to 9 years. Eventually, it’s another reliable investment option for common people. Bank Fixed Deposits are easily obtainable by banks, private banks and company.
Gold ETFs- Gold Exchange Traded Funds offer 22% rate of return annually, old and one of the most fascinating way of double the money in around 3 years of time. To be sure, in gold investment you get ecstasy of good return in short time. In 2002, Gold Exchange Traded Funds (ETFs) was launched and became easiest ways to invest your gold. Despite, in last few years, gold lost its shine, investor still consider gold as a nice option for investment.

Clear you’re all debt- indeed; Debt is biggest obstacle while looking for double your money. Very first and major suggestion is please just get out of your all debt as soon as possible. Hence, limits your extra expenditures and desires. Otherwise, your all efforts might be waste. Often, people take it casually and later that become the big mistake of them. Indirect, but it’s a nice way to save your money till its get double.
Cut down worthless expenses and tax. Rather wasting on insensible expenses, why do not you prefer to save that money for sensible investments! Such as PF, FD etc. to avoid tax, you can park you money in National Savings, ISAs, pensions, & various Investments products.
Clear your mortgage- in order to safest and most tax-efficient investment, first just pay off your mortgage. It gives you the outstanding freedom to be mortgage-free. Once it’s paid you own it independently without paying any tax. It is tax-free; any money you pay into your mortgage is completely tax free.
Real Estate- remains one of the well-liked investment options among the investors. Not only double if you invest in fast developing location then you can get triple return as well. On the other hand, it requires big capital to invest.

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